Blue Grotto Scent Circle


Authentic Scentsy Blue Grotto Scent Circle fragrance has taken over as a top selling fragrance. The scent circles work great in your car or any small, enclosed space. Blue Grotto smells like a mix of citrus and flowers! Comes 1 to a pack and each lasts a week or two.

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Yeah, we’re so pleased to see this top selling Glue Grotto fragrance is now available in scent circles for your car. At just $3 each, that’s a small price for making your car smell amazing and it’s so much better than those car wash fragrances.

By the way, with the cost of shipping it makes no sense to just buy 1 at a time. We highly suggest buying 6 at once. Basically, your getting 6 circles for the price of 5. BUT, you must go to the Scent Circle Bundles in order to get the deal. We usually go and buy at least 2 bundles at once. At $15 per bundle we get 6 circles. So, 12 scent circles costs us $30 plus tax and shipping. A savings of $6! When buying lower priced items, it hurts much less to pay shipping for a couple bundles than if just buying one circle!

Scent Circle Tip: If I’m driving my car often, I usually only get about a week out of one scent circle. Especially if the window is down, running the AC or heat. However, once I notice the fragrance is almost gone I extend the life by a couple days by folding the circle once or twice. I’m certain that helps to release more scent. I’ve even done this specifically with this Blue Grotto scent circle so I know it really does work.